2006 국민대 디자인 대학원 유리조형 디자인 석사
2004 국민대 미술학부 입체미술 학사
2015 국민대 출강
2016 – 2018 국민대 미술학부 겸임교수
2019 청주공예비엔날레 입선, 한국
2018 토야마 국제유리대상전 입선, 일본
2022.3.14 다시, 바람이 불까, 아몬드 갤러리, 서울
2022.01.04 소리의 형태, 탐앤탐스 율동공원점, 성남
2020.10.01 달 빛 산책, H갤러리, 청주
2018.09.03 너와 나 사이에, 탐앤탐스 청담점, 서울
2018.05.30 점에서 시작하는 달빛산책, 갤러리 인사아트, 서울
2017.05.03 당신의 한 주, 가나아트스페이스, 서울
2016.04.15 나날 – 푸른 애벌레의 꿈 , 세브란스아트스페이스, 서울
2015.02.24 장미와 왕자 이야기(여행자의 시간),유리섬 맥아트미술관, 안산
2014.09.03 만다라 + 이야기, 가나아트 스페이스, 서울
2007.06.02 장미와 왕자 이야기, 이형겔러리, 서울
2006.05.30 맥을 짚다, 파란네모, 서울
2023.03 collectartfair, somersethouse, London, 영국
2022.08 expanding horizons, Stourbridge | UK
2022.01 the human spirit, inko centre's virtual gallery, 인도
2021.11 서울 국제조각페스타, 한가람미술관,서울
2021.11 붓다아트페스티벌,세텍,서울
2018.09 우리집 그림한점, 심곡천 네모갤러리, 아트경기, 부천
2018.09 2018 토야마 국제유리대전, 토야마 미술관, 일본
2018.07 유리의 시간 : 냉정과 열정사이, 창동예술촌 아트센터, 창원
2018.03 In us Without us, 키미아트, 서울
2018.02 페차쿠차, 아트스페이스 테트라, 후쿠오카
2017.09 산만한 작당, 혜화아트센터, 서울
2017.07 어린왕자: 세 개의별, 클레이아크미술관, 김해
2016. 07 가벼운 플라스틱, 반짝반짝지구상회, 제주
2016. 03 신바람양평, 양평군립미술관,경기
2015.11 성탄여행,세브란스아트스페이스, 서울
Jung, Kwang Min ( born 1975 )
2016 – 2018 adjunct Professor, Dept. of Fine Art, Kookmin University
2006 Kookmin University Graduate School of Design (Rep. of KOREA)
Major: Glass Art Design
Degree: M.A.
2004 Kookmin University (Rep. of KOREA)
Major: Fine Arts
Solo Exhibitions
October 2020 “The moonlit stroll”, H Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
September 2018 “ Between you and me”, Tom and Toms Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
May 2018 “The moonlit stroll beginning from a point”, Gallery insaart, Rep. of KOREA
May 2017 “A Circle of Your Seven Days”, Gallery Gana, Rep. of KOREA
December 2016 “But I Still Like Mr. Vain’s Star”, La Veranda, Rep. of KOREA
April 2016 “Days- Blue Caterpillar’s Dream”, Severence Art Space, Rep. of KOREA
February 2015 “The Story of the Rose and Prince”, Glass Island Maek Art Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
January 2015 “Mandala + the Story of the Rose and Prince”, Gana Art Space, Rep. of KOREA
September 2014 “Mandala + Stories”, Gana Art Space, Rep. of KOREA
June 2007 “The Story of the Rose and Prince”, Ihyeong Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
May 2006 “Taking the Pulse”, Parannaemo, Rep. of KOREA
Group Exhibitions
26 - 29 August 2022 expanding horizons | Stourbridge | UK
September 2018 “Toyama International Glass Exhibition 2018” ,Toyama museum, Toyama, JAPAN
July 2018 “Glass Time : Between Cold and Passion”, Changdong Art Center, Changwon, Rep. of KOREA
March 2018 “In us Without us”, Kimi Art, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
February 2018 “Pecha Cucha Link up project 2”, art space tetra, Fukuoka, JAPAN
October 2017 “Be Se To”, sungsin museum, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
september 2017“A distracted party ”, hyehwa art center, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
July 2017 “The little prince : three stars”, clayarch gimhae museum, Gimhea Rep. of KOREA
October 2016 “Painted with Glass”, La Veranda, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
July 2016 “Light Plastic”, Twinkle Twinkle Earth Store, Jeju, Rep. of KOREA
March 2016 “Fun-filled Yangpyeong”, Yangpyeong County Art Gallery, Yangpyeong, Rep. of KOREA
November 2015 “Christmas Trip”, Severence Art Space, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
October 2015 “Again to the Light”, Twinkle Twinkle Earth Store, Jeju, Rep. of KOREA
February 2015 “love &respect”, ak Gallery, Suwon, Rep. of KOREA
December 2014 “beyond glass”, Glass Island Maek Art Gallery, Ansan, Rep. of KOREA
September 2014“from the sand”, Jeju Island, Rep. of KOREA
November 2013 “Beyond Glass”, Topo House, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
July 2012 “Giving Life”, aA Gallery, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
May 2011 “love kookmin”, Kookmin University, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
October 2010 “Satongpalbang”, Gong-pyeong Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
November 2008 “Together, or Alone”, Munshin Gallery, Seoul, Rep. of KOREA
July 2007 “Ice Flower”, Hanhyangrim Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
December 2006 “East, West, South, and North”, Kyeongju National Museum, Rep. of KOREA
August 2006 “Harmony in Cultural Space”, Good Morning Shinhan Stock HQ, Rep. of KOREA
March 2004 “Hidden Meaning”, Seonggok Gallery, Rep. of KOREA
November 2003 “Outbursting Energy”, Kookmin University Art Center, Rep. of KOREA